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Adult Safeguarding in Health and Social Care

Adult Safeguarding is a crucial approach in health and social care that ensures the safety of adults with care and support needs. It involves protecting them from abuse, harm, or neglect while respecting their right to make informed choices.

Key Regulations in Safeguarding

Several regulations guide safeguarding practices in the social care sector, ensuring adults are protected from abuse and neglect.

Notable Safeguarding Legislation

  • The Care Act 2014: Mandates local authorities to enquire about abuse or neglect and establish safeguarding adult boards.
  • The Mental Capacity Act 2005: Protects individuals who cannot make decisions for themselves.
  • The Human Rights Act 1998: Ensures basic human rights for all individuals.
  • The Equality Act 2010: Guards against discrimination and disadvantage.

Understanding Harm and Well-being

Harm in safeguarding encompasses various forms of ill-treatment and neglect, while well-being covers aspects like confidence, communication, and enjoyment of life.

Responsibilities of Health and Social Care Workers

Every worker plays a vital role in delivering safe care and support. It's important to know how to respond to and prevent potential harm.

Encouraging Complaints and Reporting Concerns

Individuals receiving care should feel empowered to challenge poor standards and make complaints without fear of negative repercussions.

Fostering an Open and Honest Culture

An open culture encourages raising concerns early. Workers should know how to handle complaints and support individuals through the process.

Worker's Role in Preventing Abuse

Healthcare support workers and adult social care workers must prevent harm and abuse, adhering to workplace policies and the Code of Conduct.

Understanding Your Role and Responsibilities

Discuss your role in safeguarding with your manager to ensure you are aligned with the broader goals of protecting adults from harm.

Adult safeguarding is a collective responsibility, and understanding these aspects is essential for providing safe and effective care.